Amplified output and ceramic sheath – Steel industry

  • Amplified output signal
  • Temperature limits: -40 … +1200°C for type K 0 … +1400°C for types S and R +600 … +1600°C for type B (see table for sheath diameters)
  • Tolerance (IEC standard 584.2/Class 1): for type K: ± 2.5° C (- 40 … + 333° C) ± 0.0075 x [t] (t > + 333° C) for type S, R, ± 1° C 0…+1100 ± [1+0,003 x (t -1100)]°C +1100…+1600°C for type B: +600° C … + 1700°C ± 0.0025 x [t]


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